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Open well rings- types & their advantages./ Different types of open well rings.

Open-well rings are available in two main types based on the materials used in their manufacturing process.
They are,

       1.  Open well RCC ring. 

RCC open well ring.

These are the most widely used type of rings as they are a highly suitable type to deal with. The diameter of these rings usually starts from 2ft and goes up to 8ft. You have to select the one that suits the size of your open well. The depth of these rings usually ranges between 6 inches to 3ft. 

The cost of these rings mainly depends upon the diameter, wall thickness, depth, and the raw material rate of the particular region, where it is manufactured. 

Normally, 2ft to 5ft diameter RCC rings are used for residential purposes, and the higher diameter rings are used in the well that is dug for agricultural, commercial, and public utility purposes.


       2.  Open well clay ring.

Clay ring used in the open well.

Open-well clay rings are healthy when compared to the RCC rings. These rings act as a natural water purifier and keep the water cool in the summer season. We can say that they are the clay water pots inserted in the open well. I have seen such rings in the coastal southern part (in Kerala) of India.

These types of rings are also available in different dimensions but are limited when compared to the RCC ring. 

Advantages & importance of the open well ring:

1. Open well ring retains the soil from collapsing.

2. They act as a prefilter when the water percolates and recharges the well.

3. You can refill the outer side of the ring with gravel and sand, to remove the dirt and organic matter present in the flowing water before it enters the open well.

4. You can immerse the submersible pump in the open well without worrying about its clogging and maintenance cost.

5. They keep the water cool and healthy.

6. If you want to extend the depth of the open well in the near future, you can do so without fear of collapsing.

7. You can change the diameter of the well from any required depth, by installing smaller diameter rings.

8. These rings act as a ladder to move down or to climb up the open well when necessary, as they are provided with footsteps (not for all types) or footholes.

well ring having a footstep. 

9. Open well rings act as a protective barrier for children and other living beings when installed above the ground surface.

open well ring as a protective barrier.

Go through the following article 👇           

To go through the articles related to the different types (classifications) of construction materials, click here.

Thank you for going through this article. Have a good day😄.


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