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Manual excavation analysis for the building foundation./ Rate analysis of manual footing excavation.

 Let us make a rate analysis for the below-given footing excavation drawing.

Given data:

Size of the footing pit = 4ft. × 4ft.

Depth of footing pit = 5ft.

No. of footings = 12nos.

The volume of the total excavation

= 12nos. × L × B × H

= 12nos. × 4ft. × 4ft. × 5ft.

= 960 cu ft.

The market rate for manual excavation is INR 8/-  to INR14/- per cu ft., depending upon the regional labor cost.

Let us consider an average rate of INR 11/- per cu ft. for calculation purpose.

The cost of excavation of all the footings

= Total vol. of excavation in cu ft. × rate/ cu ft.

= 960 cu ft. × 11/ cu ft.

= INR 10560/-

Alternate method:

The labor charge of digging a footing pit of size 4' × 4' × 5'  varies from INR 700/- to INR 1000/- per pit.

Let us consider an average rate of INR 850/- per footing pit for calculation purpose.

The cost of footing excavation

= No. of footing pit × excavation rate per pit.

= 12 nos. × 850/-

= INR 10,200/-

 Important point:

Before doing the excavation work, it is better to analyze the working cost by using both methods. Then you can execute the work that is comparatively cheaper, to save in your budget.


The labor rate varies according to the location where you live. Please include your regional market rate, to calculate the excavation cost.

To go through the articles on Estimation & calculation in civil engineering, click here.


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