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How to calculate the cutting length of 2-legged stirrups?/ Calculating the cutting length of 2-legged lateral ties.

 If you are looking for a readymade calculator for 2-legged stirrups, then click here.

 For the calculation procedure, go through the following steps.👇

Let us calculate the cutting length of the 2-legged stirrup as shown below.

Given data :

Column size = 225mm × 300mm.

Clear cover = 40mm.

Rebar diameter = 12mm.

 No. of rebars = 4nos.

Stirrup bar dia. = 8mm.


The cutting length of the stirrup

 =[{(2nos. × (a +b )) + (hook length )} - {(90° bend ) + (135° bend)}]

As you can observe in the above drawing, the stirrup has 

90° bend   👉 3nos.

135° bend 👉 2nos.

 Hook length 👉 2nos.

Therefore, the cutting length of the 2-legged stirrup

 =[{(2nos. × (a +b )) + (2nos.× hook length )} - {(3nos.×90° bend ) + (2nos.×135° bend)}]


a = [column length - (2nos.× clear cover) - (2 nos. × 1/2 × diameter of stirrup bar.)]

   = [300mm. - (2nos.× 40mm.) - (2nos. × 1/2 × 8mm.)]

   = [300mm. - 80mm. - 8mm.]

  a = 212mm.

b =  [column width - (2nos.× clear cover) - (2 nos. × 1/2 × diameter of stirrup bar.)]

   = [225mm. - (2nos.× 40mm.) - (2nos. × 1/2 × 8mm.)]

   = [225mm. - 80mm. - 8mm.]

 b = 137mm.

 The cutting length of the 2-legged stirrup

 =[{(2nos. × (a +b )) + (2nos.× hook length )} - {(3nos.×90° bend ) + (2nos.×135° bend)}]

 =[{(2nos. × (212mm. +137mm.)) + (2nos.× 10d )} - {(3nos.×2d ) + (2nos.× 3d)}]

 = [{(2nos. × 349mm.) + (2nos.× 10 × 8mm.)} - {(3nos.×2 × 8mm. ) + (2nos.× 3 × 8mm.)}]

= [ {698mm. + 160mm.} - {48mm. + 48mm.}]

= [858mm.- 96mm.]

= 762mm.

= 0.762m.

 For BBS & cutting length of all types of structural members, click here.  

Thank you for going through these calculation steps. Have a good day 😄.


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