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Plinth beam or DPC, which one is necessary for building?/Plinth beam Vs. DPC in construction./When do we need DPC in construction?

 Before answering the question, provided as an article heading, let us understand the functions of the plinth beam & DPC.

●. Plinth beam:

1. The plinth beam is an essential structural member to take the dead load of the walls & to distribute them uniformly.

2. They help to tie up all the foundation columns & provide rigidity to the structural base.

3. It helps in preventing the settlement of buildings.

From the above 3 points, you might have understood that we cannot skip plinth beams in framed structures.

●. DPC:

The full form of DPC is damp proof course. As the name suggests, DPC is needed to prevent the upward movement of dampness in the wall of the building.

The water has the ability to rise within the brick walls due to capillary actions. The brick wall absorbs water from the surrounding ground-level fillings & the dampness starts to slowly rise upwards.

DPC acts as a barrier & cuts the further water rise within the wall.

Now, let us come to the real issue.

Is DPC necessary for the plinth of the building?

The answer is yes & no. 😃

  Let us go through the following 3 conditions, when & where the DPC is required or not.

1. When the plinth beam is provided at the top level of the plinth 👉   DPC is not required. 

Here, the plinth beam plays a double role & acts as a DPC for the plinth.

2. When a plinth beam is provided at the base level of the plinth 👉    DPC is required. 

To raise the plinth to the specified level, we should construct the wall masonry over the beam. The wall constructed above absorbs water from the outer fillings & DPC is necessary at the top end of the plinth wall.

3. When a plinth beam is provided above the ground level 👉    DPC may or may not required.

 If there is a chance of moorum filling in the outer periphery of the building in the near future 👉   DPC is required. 

If there is no chance of filling & plinth beam is already at a comfortable height from the ground level  👉  DPC is not required.


This content is for regular residential buildings where a ground beam or tie beam is not provided in the construction. 

Thank you for going through this article. Have a good day 😄.



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